Bowery Mural

Training update and TRAIL magazine

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Sorry, I've not been updating this recently, truth is I've been told not to go walking until my leg is better (by the physio). So I've been given 14 different exercises to do and a tennis ball! to try to loosen the IT band. Sounds complicated i know.

Anyway got a text last night and it was Linda. She'd sent me a picture message asking 'Who is this'! and here it was............ me Trail magazine!!!! aaaaahhhhh. Now granted, it isn't the full article - that;s out next month, but it's a teaser page near the back of the mag giving details of what's in the next exciting issue of Trail.

Well you never seen anything like me!! I quickly made dinner (whilst the rain absolutely bucketed down and the thunder cracked overhead) and thought of a plan to go and buy my copy. I set off to Tesco and excitedly drove into the car park only to be met by two fire engines and a guy saying 'we're shut'! So i about turned and drove along the road to Sainsbury's. Guess what.... yep, signs on the door saying they were shut too!!! What's going on? Then i heard a guy telling someone else they had flooded - must have been that heavy rain shower and thunder storm. So I'll go to Morrison's, drove down, parked the car and headed to the magazine section. What!!!??? No Trail magazine!!!!! They've got Caravanning mags, lads mags, kiddies mags, auto trader, Radio Times and several trashy gossip mags (that we all read) ... but ... NO TRAIL MAGAZINE. There was only one thing for it. Yep i drove all the way to Alloa 24hr Tesco to get my very own copy of Trail. There i was standing in the isle, looking around to see if anyone was looking, flicking through the pages and there i was! 4 pages from the end and you can't even see my face! ha ha thank goodness. So if you're reading this set the date 26th August 2008 aside and go out and buy Trail magazine October issue. I told them I'd try to get sales boosted for that month ha ha.

Catch you all later
take care
Ange xxx

PS big thanks to folks ho have sponsored me since the last time. 18% of my target met already - thank you!!! x

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