Bowery Mural

A change is as good as a rest

Sunday, 13 June 2010

So here it is!!  The new blog design.  I decided it was time for a wee change.  A more grown-up look for this blog perhaps.  What do you think?  I wanted something simple and uncluttered.  I've taken off the header picture and as yet am not sure how I feel about that.  I'd appreciate any feedback.

Back in January i did toy with the idea of changing blog services to Wordpress and even SquareSpace but stuck with Blogger.  Then today I saw a link on Twitter that read Blogger had new templates that you could use.  I couldn't wait to try it out so carefully wrote down the colours of all the text etc from the previous blog incarnation and set about changing it.  I totally love the idea of having extra pages too on here - something i have been looking for for a while.  So i now have an About Me page, and Links page and i may add a few more in the next few days.

For now I might go away and tinker some more whilst listening to the constant buzz and din of those god damn vuvuzela horns on the World cup coverage!!

Ange x

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