Number One
Lance Armstrong
If you know me well you'll know that Lance is my hero. I've read his books. I've worn the famous yellow LiveStrong wristband for nigh on 6 years and I cried when he won his final Tour De France. I yelped when he made a comeback, I was mildly disappointed when he got with Sheryl Crow and so very happy when they split up and yes i've heard all the rumours about the EPO and stuff like that but I can't help think that through his fight against with the LiveStrong foundation he has brought light to many people who may be going through very dark days.
I can't tell you how utterly broken I was when I set off on a rainy afternoon in August 2009 to try to catch a glimpse of him cycling around Glasgow/Paisley. I missed him by a half hour. Gutted. One day though, my time will come. I may meet him. Although they say you should never meet your heros...(heroes?)
Number two
Mark Beaumont
Well he did cycle around the world one his own then down the Americas. What's not inspirational about that. Actually, I went along to a talk by him at the Albert Hall in Stirling in April. I took my friend Linda and some other people from work were there too. Listening to a first hand account of these two incredible journeys he took brought a tear to my eye at points. It brought back feelings of my own incredible journey i had taken the year before (my trek). He spoke about people asking him "what next?" when he had just returned and how it was too soon for those thoughts and how they didn't realise what it took out of you. Now granted, my 2 and a bit weeks away was nothing compared to his year or two away galavanting around the World but adventures can be big or small, they're all the effort you want to put into them and they stir up feelings and emotions and drive and all the determination you can muster and he has most of that list. Inspiring.
Number three
Ryan Higgins
Yes that's right, my four year old beloved nephew. He's an inspiration in the way he can make a room light up not only from his bright red hair but just by being in it. He has a fabulous wit and sense of humour. A budding drummer (this is his new obsession) and sometime guitarist. He has a shy side to him. He doesn't like attention being on him and prefers to join in at his own pace. He loves his baby brother Connor so much and I fill with pride when i see him cuddle and play with him. He has a side to him that can make his Granda (my Dad) mad but within a few minutes they're best buddies again. Nearly everyone in the village talks to him, he's one first name terms with our local shopkeeper Archie. The fishman gives him cake on a Wednesday. The ladies in the chemist love when he goes shopping with my mum and at the nursery i think he's quite a character with Mrs Love and Mrs Tierney regaling stories of him playing football and running about all over the place. You ask him about it though and he won't tell you a thing. You should all get to know him one day. In fact you probably will. you know me, you know him, we come as a package.
Ange x
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