Bowery Mural

Hot Chocolate, no really

Thursday, 25 October 2012

For years and years I never even contemplated having a hot chocolate. Although i'm a huge chocolate fan, hot chocolate never was my thing. I would screw my face up at the mere mention of some pale brown powder being thrown into a mug with hot water or milk and stirred giving you this hug in a cup. Nope. That wasn't for me. Maybe those purple tins (you know the ones) in supermarkets put me off.

Last year, i don't know what came over me, but whilst browsing the shelves of the (then) newly opened Hotel Chocolat shop in Edinburgh, i happened upon what looked like gold... in a white tin. Hotel Chocolat caramel hot chocolate. I purchased a tin along with some caramel chocolate batons and other bars for the family's Christmas presents and headed home.

Months passed, along with the sell by date of March 2012, and still the tin remained in the cupboard (next to the vanilla pods tube) unopened. Three weeks ago - six months after the sell by date, I reluctantly threw out the unopened bag of hot caramel chocolate. It pained me at nearly £10 a tin! I hate waste but i also don't tend to eat out of date food (I'm sure that would have been okay though). I then bought a new refill bag - another pain, then waited.

Last week I decided that what I needed was a hug in a mug. It was one of those days. I followed the instructions on the pack to the letter and poured this (honestly disappointing) pale brown elixir into my mug, added a few mini marhsmallows on top and went to watch a good programme on the tv. First sip... Mmmm... Second sip... Mmmm-eeeuuuwww... By the third drink i was convinced hot chocolate was not my friend. We were never going to get along. I headed downstairs to make a nice cup of tea. Mmmmmm, that's better.
Hotel Chocolat caramel milk hot chocolate

Saturday saw me on a weekend wander. The usual. My usual, not yours. Anyway, I thought to myself "let's give the hot chocolate malarky one last go". Yes, of course that's the way i talk to myself, in my head. Don't you? So I (stupidly) walked into a Starbucks and ordered there caramel salted hot chocolate. It had a pretty picture.

I waited on my order then sat at a table, on my own, ready to delve into this whipped cream delight in front of me. In I went. Took some of the lush cream from the top. Yum! a mix of sweet and salty hit me right in my sweet tooth spot. Yummy, yum. This might be okay I thought to myself. Once i'd made a clearing in the overfilled mug i took a sip. Mmmm, okay. Another cream only mouthful - yum. Then another sip... Nope, I didn't like it. It was all I could do to stop myself from making the screwed up face i talked about in the first paragraph. I casually tried to get the cream out with one of those thin wooden stirrers. It nearly worked. I read my book and kept stirring until most of the cream had dispersed and merged in with the watery hot chocolate. It was kind of bitter tasting. I couldn't really taste any caramel apart from the stuff sparingly drizzled on top.
Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate
That was it. I'm no longer going to try hot chocolate. I'll stick with a good cup of tea. It's much better on the hips too.

Well, i know i said I wouldn't try hot chocolate but... I've just wandered over to a blog I read, The Londoner, and there was the writer telling of her distaste at the same salted caramel hot chocolate as me. BUT!! she also made an attempt of her own and included a recipe. Yay, now this i might try. Her pictures look Ah-Maz-ing. Have a wee look.

For now, it's just me and my cuppa tea.

Angela x

A night at The Enchanted Forest

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Last Monday my sister and I took the boys (Ryan and Connor) to the Enchanted Forest in Pitlochry. I'd been wanting to go for about 3 years now and the boys being 6 and 3, we decided they were old enough.

We drove up on a lovely brisk autumn day. Made good time and arrived a little after 4pm in time to get a leisurely something to eat and head to the bus pick up point at Fishers Hotel.

After a little wander along the main street we headed back towards the beginning and decided to head into a cafe. From the outside the menu looked cheap and cheerful and decent value. Inside the floor was dirty and it wasn't my ideal place.
see! dirty floor, yuck
But before long we'd ordered. Mac n cheese for me, fish n chips for sister and burgers for the boys from the kids menu. To say the food was passable would be generous. The boys wolfed theirs down though. I could tell my sister wasn't keen on her fish and my mac n cheese was both tasteless and not very cheesy. And the drinks... the cups were dirty and the tea became stewed. As soon as the boys had finished and peed we were out of there. It's such a pity but i really hate eating establishments where basic cleanliness is overlooked for turning tables over. In fact that's not even an excuse because there were empty tables and it wasn't that busy. Their standards can't be that high.

Anyway it was time to head to the 'horest' as Connor has been calling it most of the day.

We got on the bus and made the short drive (about 7 minutes) to the horest. They played a tape with music and silly voices which were mostly talking about health and safety and what we'd find when we got there. I could see Ryan's face fall. The tape was really loud on the bus (turn it down please!). Then we arrived and dusk had started to fall. We could see some lights and that's when i noticed a guy dressed up in a cape with a huge stick. Obviously these were people there to help us but Ryan started crying. He didn't like the look of it.

We got off the bus and wandered over with the rest of the group. The guy started talking loudly (shouting) so that everyone could hear and Ryan couldn't stop crying. "I don't like this" he said. I could understand, it was a bit shouty to me and so probably seemed a little scary to some sensitive little kids like Ryan. Connor on the other hand, well nothing phases him. He's like a wise old owl.

Look at this wonderfully pink tree - gorgeous!
We managed to walk ahead and lose most of the large group and Ryan started to relax and enjoy it. He really liked the bridge with the blue waterfall like water. I liked that one too. It was named Flow. Really cool.
Further on there were symbols hanging in the trees (Dialect of leaves 1) and it reminded me of The Blair Witch Project (the symbols). I wanted to get in about them and get some photos of me amongst them but you weren't allowed. The druid guy made sure of that!

Dialect of leaves 1

A little further and we came across the unicorn we'd been told we might encounter. "Gather round" she kept saying in a manner that made the child-catcher seem tame. We headed on past her. She even freaked me out.

Next up was Rise and Fall. A light show and musical accompaniment. It was really beautiful. I loved the huge moon that appeared at the end. Connor was mesmerised at this, and frankly so were we.

By now it was proper dark and looking around the colours were really wonderful against the treelined background. It really was enchanting in this horest.

Further on we managed to get a steward to take a group photo of us at the other side of the Flow bridge.

Pollen was another area I found magical. Large amber coloured pollen shapes hung above our heads, just out of reach. I wanted to touch them but for obvious reasons that would be stupid.
Pollen. A beauty eh.

It was really dark now and starting to get chilly cold. We all had our wellies on and my feet were freezing so the little drinks stall was a welcome sight. Cup of tea done we headed to the final section, Drift. Another light and music show right next to the bus pick up point. We hung around as long as we could and then headed for the bus. By this point Ryan really liked it, Connor was still chatting and saying how beautiful this horest had been and we were all tired and ready for the drive home.
If you haven't been you should try to get along. It's something i'd wanted to see and so glad i did. Tickets can be bought easily from their website but be quick it's only another couple of weeks then its gone. One thing. Our slot was 6.30pm. I'd say the 7pm showing would be late enough for kids as it was getting really cold by the time we left at 7.30pm. We were fortunate with the weather and it was dry but i can imagine in the rain it might be miserable (a wee bit).

Back at the car we changed out of wellies and got settled and cosy then set off down the road. Just over an hour saw us home with two snoring boys in the back of the car. All in all a great day out.

Angela x


Blogtober Stalled

Monday, 22 October 2012

Blogtober hasn't gone quite as planned. You see I've found that you can't command words to pop into your head just because you have to blog that day to keep up the Blogtober you gleefully promised at the beginning of the month. But i'm totally fine with that. For me blogging started off as a diary, of that trek. Then after that was over it became more about me, and my (not so exciting) life. I sometimes hanker after those bygone days when i had things a plenty to blog about. But then i might just be making things up if i did.

I've always thought blogging should come naturally and not be forced. If it so happens that on a certain day/week you have nothing to say then that is fine. I've read a lot of blogs recently who seem forced and constricted to certain topics on certain days. I don't think that could ever be my thing, i mean how often do i miss the Friday Five posts?! (note to self, still to write last weeks).  

The blogs I like the best are blogs that seem real and natural and random. Maybe they're just great at hiding that fact that they've got a master document full of blog schedules and topics or maybe they're just great. I like to read stories and I'm a sucker for a picture heavy story post. Love pictures that are windows into peoples lives. 

In saying that, i do love a good beauty blog. Nails, nail posts are good too. And fashion. I've found a few fashion blogs recently that are on my reader list. Not high fashion as in Vogue or Victoria Beckham (I do love the VB though), no, fashion blogs which are of really stylish people with great everyday style. I sometimes dream that i'm one of them (obviously i'm not!). But yeah i like those blogs.


I suppose i'm still trying to figure out what this here blog is meant to be. Maybe it'll always just drift along being what it is, about me and my life. And i'm fine with that. I didn't intend for it to be anything else from the outset. 

Angela x

A letter to myself on assertiveness

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Lately has been a bit funny (strange) in the life of Angela. There are things a plenty to get off my chest but this doesn't appear to be the right place for those. I toyed with the idea of starting another anonymous blog so that I could get everything out that's eating my insides. You might have an inkling about what I talk of but then again you probably haven't. Let's just say that I need to give myself a tug by the collar and stick up for myself more. So it seemed like nothing short of a happy coincidence when I found this passage about Assertiveness in a daily email from Emerald Street.

The rules of assertiveness
I have the right to state my own needs and set my own priorities as a person independently of any roles that I may assume in my life.
I have the right to be treated with respect as an intelligent, capable, equal person.
I have the right to express my feelings.
I have the right to express my opinions and values.
I have the right to say “yes” or “no” for myself.
I have the right to make mistakes.
I have the right to change my mind.
I have the right to say I don’t understand.
I have the right to have the right to ask for what I want.
I have the right to decline responsibility for other people’s problems.
I have the right to deal with others without being dependent on them for approval.

This is going to be my little mantra I shall repeat to myself whenever I feel like I'm being unnecessarily put into a situation that i should not be.

I'll even print it off and stick it up on my workspace at work as a reminder to myself.

You are worth it Angela.
You're opinion DOES count, Angela.
You do not deserve to be spoken down to, Angela.
You are a truly wonderful person, Angela.

You are you, I am you.
Lovely you.

Angela x

YouTube-ing faves

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

I've only really gotten into YouTube in the past year. Sure I used it to watch the odd old school TTF music video or clips from Pop Idol, but in the last year (mainly due to having the iPad) i started watching lots of videos and subscribed to lots of channels, mostly beauty channels. Those are more of my guilty pleasures.

Anyway, every now and again you get a few golden nuggets from either finding them yourself or from other kind souls passing them on to you.

These are a few of my recent favourite videos on YouTube. Have a look. Enjoy!

Kilian's Quest

Another Kilian, this time skateboarding with his mate. Saw this ad at the cinema last weekend. Thought it was brilliant. 

Danny MacAskill's Way back Home. Never gets old, does it...

And finally, one of my favourite songs of the moment. I Will Wait from Mumford and Sons new album Babel. Love it...

What are your favourite Youtube channels or videos?
It's nice to share...

Angela x

New Hero: Found

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Well, after yesterday's post about losing a hero, I think I may have found my new hero...

Everyone, meet Felix Baumgartner!

What an amazing challenge to watch on the internet. Mind blowing. Awe inspiring. Heart stopping. And more... Congrats to all the Red Bull Stratos team.

Angela x .

We can be heroes.... Where's mine gone?

Saturday, 13 October 2012

It's a well known fact that i love cycling. I like my bike. I spin at classes 4 nights of the week. I catch every race on tv and am making my way to the new Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in November to see my first live track cycling race event and i simply cannot contain my excitement for that.

It was back in the very late 90's I heard of this guy called Lance Armstrong who'd survived cancer and was riding in the Tour de France. Back then coverage was sketchy and on channel 4. I dipped in and out. The next year (2000) I watched some more on tv. Highlights. He won again. Then we started to hear the remarkable story. He'd had cancer, was fighting for his life and then this. I was hooked on cycling.

As the years went on the books came out. It's Not About The Bike being the first one. I got it for Christmas. I was hooked. Read it in record time (for me), couldn't wait to read the second one. The story was so moving, sad, uplifting and above all really inspiring. He was my hero.

I followed all the news stories his continuing, seemingly miraculous cancer recovery. Heck, it was all i could do to get my hands of some of those yellow Livestrong bands. I duly fired up the Livestrong website purchased 10 kids and 10 adults sized yellow bands and a t shirt and waited on them being delivered. I'd be in the cool club (before the bands were really mainstream in this country) and I was helping raise money to the charity too.

Year on year Lance kept upping his game. Year on year he seemed to win the Tour de France with such strength and steely determination, i loved this guy!

Then there were the rumours that appeared each year on the tour. A few trickily named european cyclists would be banned. The others would condemn them publicly, who knows what was going on privately.

I'd sit and watch (nightly highlights on ITV3 by now) and the US Postal train would just keep going. Fired up. All with one mission in mind. Get Lance that yellow jersey before the 8 or so laps of the Champs Elysees on the final day of the Tour de France. And that they would do. Supreme in the team time trials they were...

2005 the team turned into the Discovery Channel team (I never liked that jersey by the way) and still I'd be excited at the prospects of another Lance win, surely not? He seemed to fight hard battles in the high mountain stages with main opponents such as Jan Ulrich (where is he now?) and Alexandre Vinokourov. But I remember one day up the side of some hard to spell mountain he stared Iban Mayo down and passed him with apparent ease. Next minute his handlebars are caught by the string handle of a spectators bag and he's on the ground. Quick as a flash he's back up on the bike and off again. My memory can't recall for definite if he won that stage but i think perhaps he did.

I loved this show of athleticism. Of courage beyond anything i've ever seen before. Above all, of hope that here was someone who'd survived cancer winning year upon year arguable the hardest bike race in the world.

Then he retired. I was devastated. Then he came back. I was nervous. What if he wasn't up to it? What if he didn't win? What an actual red neck that would be. 2009 saw him race for Astana. Johan Bruyneel ever present by his side (in the team car). Alberto Contador was his team mate (I don't like him by the way). Alberto can dance his way up the side of a hill. He won that year.

2010 saw Team Radioshack appear with Lance at the helm again. It wasn't to be his year again and soon he announced another retirement, for good this time. It was time. The rumour mill still kept going, of doping allegations. Contador had ate some dodgy beef before a race, aye right! David Millar was back after serving his ban, good lad. And several others were failing pee tests all over the ship.

Current day. Yesterday. The day I lost a hero. I mean, i wanted to believe for so long that somehow they'd gotten it wrong. Who do you believe? When there's a stack of 'evidence' that lots of people have opinions on then there's no arguing against is, is there? I don't know, because honestly I can't bring myself to read it. I want to believe it's not true. Deep down (I think) I know it's probably all true. Let's face it, there's was millions of pounds being spent in this guy through sponsorships endorsements and other such business deals.

I feel duped. Like my usual self i have been naive again. I mean in the grand scheme of things he doesn't know me from Adam but you know, it still grates. Hurts even. Is that the right thing? Yes, I think it is. I feel hurt and a little angry but I think i still like him. I'm not going to apologise for that. There really is no excuse for cheating in any way, be it at sport, at work or in relationships. There's no excuse. However, I still wear my yellow band (have done for many many years now) and I still have a cool abstract painting of Lance hanging on my wall. It won't be removed. What can I say...

Lance, i have no words, just hurt.

I'm on the lookout for a new hero. Maybe you fit the bill?

Angela x

Five Things on a Friday #41

Friday, 12 October 2012


1) The Perks of Being a Wallflower movie. Brillainto. Go see it...

2) Having a stupid cold most of the week but allowing myself time off spin classes to recover properly. Hitting one up tonight though.

3) Reconnecting with people. That's nice, innit.

4) Getting O2 to lower my monthly tarriff. It's only by £5 but every little helps. It doesn't make it any less gauling the fact that they changed the contracts and now offer unlimited calls/texts on most of them (not that I'd make use of those anyway, but...). So now i have 300 free minutes, unlimited texts and my 1GB data bolt on. No, don't even get me started on the data saga...

5) You. If you're here reading this then thanks. Leave a comment. I like reading them...

Angela x


#NOTD Essie Skirting The Issue

Thursday, 11 October 2012

I've been really getting into dark red, burgundy, vampy if you like, nails. I bought Head Mistress from Essie's Autumn (Fall) Stylenomics range a few weeks back and i was really disappointed when i opened the packet it was in. From swatches I'd seen I was expecting a true apple red like the apple from Snow White, it looked like that in swatches. What I had in my hand was a darker red colour, leaning towards wine. I was sure it had been labelled wrongly. I applied it and was surprised again because it looked slight different again. More like the swatches I'd seen on the web. Then I took a picture and realised that the swatches must have been taken with a flash or in bright light because it now looked like the swatches. Thing is, in normal light it was darker than i wanted. It was a mid tone blue tone cool red, i think. That classic shade. Anyway, with the thought that i had a wrongly labelled bottle still in my head, i went to my local Boots who miraculously had this new range in. I compared it to the other red tone colours and in fact Head Mistress was the lightest red shade of them all. Hmmm.

Top is with flash, Bottom no flash. Left: Skirting the Issue, Right: Head Mistress

But I tried out another colour and here it is...
Essie Skirting The Issue from the Stylenomics range.

Skirting the issue, flash used
It's a wine colour. A creme jelly like consistency. It almost looks transparent in the bottle. Like you can see through it. With the now much coveted wider brush from Essie, this applied well. I have one coat on and no top coat. (You know how I can't bare the faffing about with a top coat). I change my nail colour every couple of days. Or have a few days bare nails per week.

I think this is similar to Bahama Mama, also from Essie, but it's not an exact dupe. This is more reddish, where as  I think Bahama Mama is a more purple toned burgundy shade. Also very lovely too though.

Skirting the issue, Bahama Mama, Head Mistress (L to R)
These will probably be staples throughout the autumn winter months. I can see Skirting The Issue being on my nails at Christmas party nights with a black outfit. Nice.

skirting the issue, 1 coat
What are you wearing on your nails just now? boys? :)
Angela x

Floored and Cold

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

So yes, I've not blogged for a few days (I wrote yesterday's post on Sunday night) but i have a good reason (excuse). I was floored by a cold since Sunday. It's rare that i get ill so when i do I tend to really get it hard. Not that hard that i was off work. Although sitting shivering on your chair at the computer really is no way to spend a Monday.

My bones were achey. They had been so since Sunday but ever the determined little thing I headed to Glasgow and to the cinema, ignoring all signs of impending illness. What happens to me is I gat a slight scratchy jaggy feeling in my throat. 2 days later (i've counted each time) I get the aches, day 3 gives the aches and shakes and now day 4 i'm left with a blocked up nose and slight tickly cough. 

I was so cold on Monday at work that i even went to the campus chemist and bought a hot water bottle. £5 it cost! Whilst there i browsed the shelf marked 'cold and flu remedies' but couldn't bring myself to part with another £5.75 for a packets of Beechams or any other such remedies. I'd settle for my cheap Tesco ibuprofen. Let's face it, it's the same as the 5x more expensive Nurofen. 

Anyway, i headed back to the office and filled my water bottle up and sat it on my knees. The shivering and shaking soon stopped but the aches were still there. I was secretly hoping that someone would insist i go home, but that offer never came. By 5 I was out of there and on my way home.

By 5.45pm i was in my pyjamas and in my bed. A little later I had a bowl of home made macaroni cheese in my lap and Home and Away on the tv. What?! Home and Away is my guilty pleasure. I always catch up on it.

I think the lounging in my bed did me the world of good. I totally relaxed and chilled and got a little buzz from the chilled Lucozade. Yes, I'm that lame. Lucozade gives me a buzz, that's why i ONLY ever drink it if i'm ill. Otherwise I get all woozy. No joke.

Today I feel a bit better, thank goodness. I know there are people out there with much more serious illnesses than me but I never have a little indulgent moan about these things as I'm never really ill. Thanks to those who kept me amused on Twitter last night too. Yes, you.

Oh by the way, going back to remedies. I don't think I believe in Lemsips and Beechams and those things. I've never taken them if i'm ill and i get over it just the same as anyone else. Perhaps I'm just great though eh!

Back to the point. I hope to get back to daily Blog-tober blogging for the rest of the month. 

Angela x

Perks and Being a Wallflower

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

On Sunday I saw The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movie starring Emma Watson, post Harry Potter. It's based on the book by Stephen Chbosky, and in fact he directs here as well. I'm not even halfway through the book yet but i wanted to see this film for so long. I haven't seen a film like this that consumed the whole of me from the start. The writer/director cares about these characters and you can tell.

It deals with being a teenager and all that goes along with that. You know the usual stuff, death, first love, bullying, mental illness and trying to find a group of friends who like you because you are just, well, you. The beautiful wonderful YOU. Yes, even you.

Oh my god. I cried. I cried some more. And I cried again. It was so moving. The main character Charlie, 15, was beautifully played by Logan Lerman (a new kid on the block, well i certainly haven't seen him in anything before). He managed to capture the character of a Charlie, the wallflower, perfectly. I was with him the whole way through, routing for him. Emma Watson as Sam and Ezra Miller as Patrick (Nothing) are also very well cast. There are parts that are so uplifting my heart swelled and I teared up again. Honestly, it's not a morbid film or anything but the way you get to know the characters and the way Charlie narrates the story too... wonderful.

It got me thinking. About me, being a wallflower and all. There were even a few lines in it that i'm going to type up, print off and read them every morning in the hope of instilling some sense of self worth. It made me think about where i stand just now, where I want to be and how i'm going to get there. Even down to the people around me who like me, just for being me, and well enough to want to spend time with me. Very few and far between I might add. I couldn't help think that Charlie was lucky because here he was, still in high school and he appeared to have found those people. Real good people.

I have to mention the music. It plays a big part. It drives the film along nicely too. The 'Infinite' song really made me heave a sob at the end. In a good way.

In a way that I was reassured about Charlie* and his future. *Me.

Angela x

Five things on a Friday #40

Sunday, 7 October 2012

A bit late i know. I have a few draft posts in the backroom. Still trying to decide whether to publish them or not...

This will be a short and sweet post. I have other great things i want to talk about that would fit quite well into this list but they each deserve their own post. Too good.

1) Starburst. Or for those of us who remember, Opal Fruits. I've rediscovered them. My only disappointment is that there are no lemon ones on their own. They've turned them into lemon and lime green ones. Boo.

2) Homeland is back. Series 2. It took me a long while to get into series 1 but glad i stuck with it. I've been catching up on series 1 again every night on More 4. I like this way of watching a tv series. Night after night.

3) Crisp autumn days are well and truly here. I know this because the skin on my face is getting tighter after i wash it. A sure  sign the seasons are changing. I'm making sure to slather on my moisturiser every chance i get.

4) Bargains in Topshop. I went in to topshop to buy some kohl eye liners. I wanted a nice brown and then spied a purple called Juniper. The hygienic plastic wrapping was nearly ripped off but luckily it hadn't been opened fully. I searched the shelf for another of this colour but there wasn't one. On reaching the counter i asked the assistant if there was another somewhere. She went and searched the make up drawers but turns out it was only this one left. I decided to take it. When she rung it up on the till, it came up as 50p instead of the usual £4. BARGAIN. I like a good wee bargain.

5) I found this amongst the subscriptions on YouTube. It seemed appropriate from what has gone on this past week... This is racheltalbott if you want to subscribe.

Play fair kids.
Angela x


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Today was a whole heap better than yesterday. It's great when some sleep makes a difference, albeit a teeny tiny difference. Still, I did dream about what happened yesterday which wasn't so good. I'd rather have the dream about when i stayed in LA with the Kardashians and i was giving Kanye West a pep talk as he was mightily distressed. That was a weekend dream. True story.

Anyway, back to today. Today I was a tad anxious about going to work. I just had that feeling of dread that ended up with me having a headache and that fluttery tummy. This is not good is it. Not at work. I took a few deep breaths and figured that i shouldn't care what people (a person) thinks about me, I need to look after number one (me) so to speak. So that's what I'm going to do from now on.

I had a meeting over lunchtime then i headed off for another appointment where I had pictures taken and putty shoved in my mouth. That's for another post though.

After that I headed home where those two brilliant boys (the nephews) were playing and generally being them funny little selves. Good times.

I opted to attend just one spin class tonight rather than my usual double. It was a good option because last night no matter how hard I tried to pedal I just couldn't get up to speed and the gears seemed to be low. I think it was a combination of being emotionally drained and generally under the weather. Tonight was a little better. I swapped bikes (they've moved them all around and I've lost my 'good' bike) and pedalled through a tough class. Happy with what i completed, all things considered.

The nights are getting that little bit chillier, the days are getting that bit shorter and I'm getting that bit braver. Are you with me?

Angela x


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

People are funny things, aren't we.

People can make your day miserable but for every miserable one there's are lots more who can make you smile and feel like you do matter and that yes, you are worth it.

I've had a rubbishy day - yes, rubbishy *is* a word.

But let's not dwell on that because you know what? there are plenty of good things about today too.

Like that wee 2 minute face to face i had with the nephews. They really are special boys. I wish you cold all meet them.
Like those stolen little chats with Linda who is a constant source of laughs, advice and goodness.
Like that hello from mr spin.
Like the end of the day chat with mum and dad who remind me that whatever happens out there, they will always stick by me.
And finally, like those people of Twitter who appear on my phone and know when to say the right thing. Be it offering support, a distraction, a laugh or a virtual hug. I'll take hugs whenever they're offered.

I nearly ran out of time to blog in my second day of Blog-tober. Phew!

Here's to tomorrow, because at least it'll never be today.
Goodnight good people.

Angela x


Monday, 1 October 2012

Geddit? Blog-tober...October...Geddit?

Okay, okay, that was lame but I thought that I might try blogging every day in October. Try to get back into the swing of things. It may not be any good. It may not be anything worthwhile but I'm at least going to have a go.

If you don't try then you'll never know. So I'm trying. This is post number 1. This below is your October manifesto from my cool little diary. Good eh....


October is a strange month I find. It's starting to get really dark and them BAAMM, right at the end of the month the clocks go backwards and you find yourself in the middle of darkness at around 6pm. It makes you want to just curl up on the couch and watch telly, in your jammies. Oh come on, you all change out of your clothes into your jammies when you get home from work, don't tell me you don't. I won't believe it. Or if not your jammies, then some old scraggy pair of joggy bottoms that are kept for the dark nights and sofa lounging.

This year (this winter) I am making a concerted effort not to just go home and hibernate after work. I'm currently doing a five days per week gym schedule so that's bound to keep me from hibernation. And perhaps, if i'm lucky, it'll help me to reach a goal i'd set a while back. I'm nearly there. Sorta hit a plateau for a few months but I'm back on track now. Yeehaw.

I made a few decisions over the past few weeks too. They're not for sharing at the moment so you'll have to wait...

Angela x
